What I Did in 2013


Just a quick look back at the old year before it’s old hat. It’s 3pm here in the Netherlands so we have a few more hours to go before this all here below is even more history than it already is.

I found this questionnaire on The Only Cin’s blog and stole it. She stole it, too, and if you want, steal mine! Just change the answers to your own and post it on your blog. Let me know if you do, I’d love to know all about your 2013!

  1. What did you do in 2013 that you’ve never done before? I started a business. How scary is that? But it is going well. Phew!
  2. Did anyone close to you give birth? No one. I don’t have friends or family young enough to give birth. Ha ha. Joking, but: no.
  3. Did you attend any funerals? No. I don’t have many older relatives and the few that I do have, I hope will last another few years.
  4. What date/s in 2013 will you remember and why?  None jump to mind as very special, but I went on holiday on my own in June, that was a bit special.
  5. Were there any illnesses or injuries in your family? Not more than normal. Actually, my family is very robust and they are seldom ill.
  6. What was the best thing you bought? Well, I really like my new jeans. Otherwise, that June holiday.
  7. Where did most of your money go? In the bank.
  8. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: “I’m older than I once was and younger than I’ll be.”
  9. This question is missing. My answer: a great auk.
  10. What was your favourite TV programme? I loved watching the Danish series Borgen as well as the (Danish) series The Bridge. And we’re total Master Chef addicts in my family.
  11. What was the best book you read this year? The First Book of Calamity Leek by Paula Lichtarowicz (my review).
  12. What was your favourite movie this year? Cloud Atlas (maybe that was last year, but I haven’t seen a better one since).
  13. What did you do on your birthday? I have no idea (it was in April). Nothing special, I guess.
  14. Did you travel anywhere this year? To the Canary Islands (left of Africa) on my own in June. It was great.
  15. What did you do for Christmas? I stayed home with my family and we had a lovely quiet time doing nothing.

Now, let me know your answers! What did you do in 2013?


About Judith
I'm owner and editor at bookhelpline.com and bookhelpline.nl. We edit books and articles for independent writers.

15 Responses to What I Did in 2013

  1. Sounds like a great year! Looking forward to your insights on books in 2014!

  2. This was fun to read Judith! Happy New Year to you and yours.

  3. BookerTalker says:

    Glad to know I am not the only one who can’t remember what they did on their birthday.
    Here’s to a happy 2014 for you.

  4. Hi there!
    Okay – I STOLE your post, too! You’ll have to come by and read what I wrote, too! This was fun ‘stealing’ the post!! LOL!!! Here’s the link! http://www.lauriehere.com/2013/12/2013-year-in-review.html

  5. Nish says:

    Wow! I didn’t realize your business was related to books. Awesome! Glad it’s going well for you and wishing you a great 2014!

  6. I don’t know why I still haven’t seen Cloud Atlas – I really need to do something about that! I hope your business continues to flourish! Have a wonderful 2014!

    • Leeswammes says:

      Thank you, Jackie. I think Cloud Atlas-the movie is especially interesting for people who know the book. You should see it! Happy new year.

      On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Leeswammes' Blog

  7. Laurie C says:

    Happy 2014, Judith! A nice close to the year, to look back as you did! Congratulations on the business start-up and best wishes for another happy and healthy year for you and yours!

  8. theonlycin says:

    Thanks for sharing, Judith and a very happy 2014 to you xxx

I love comments! Let me know what you think.