Wishlist Challenge 2012 Sign Up

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The Wishlist Challenge is a new challenge that I know I urgently need, and maybe you do, too.

There are several challenges that ask you to read books you already own, they are generally called TBR challenges. I need to do one of those too, because there are just too many books on my shelves and more arriving regularly.

But….. I also have a wishlist. This is a virtual pile of books, that I would like to own or at least read. I have a list on Shelfari (click on “Wishlist”) where I add books that other people recommend. I hardly ever get round to reading any of that list.

So here’s the wishlist challenge:

Read 12 books (one for every month of the year) that you would like to read, but don’t already have on your shelves.


1. The challenge runs from January 1st, 2012 to December 31st, 2012.

2. You are to read 12 books from your current wishlist. If you don’t have a list anywhere, write down books that you are eager to read, that you don’t own yet, and choose 12 books off that list.

3. If you can’t find a book that’s on your wishlist (your library doesn’t have it, or you don’t want/can’t buy it) then you can use another book. But: you are not allowed to include any NEWLY added books for this challenge. So, whatever your list is now, that’s it.

I.e. you can’t read amazing things about a book on someone else’s blog, decide you want to read it, then read it for the Wishlist Challenge. The opposite is true: you want to read something for the Wishlist Challenge, so you go to your wishlist, find a book that was on that wishlist before January 1st, 2012, and read it for the challenge.

4. You can overlap with other challenges, as long as you read books that were on your wishlist before January 1st, 2012.

5. Sign up here by leaving a comment with a link to your announcement post for this challenge. I will then add it to the linky list below.

6. When you’ve read your 12 books, come back here and leave a comment with a link to your final post about the challenge. Make sure you’ve done this by January 15th, 2013 (I know! How does that sound?)

Honor and glory will shine on everyone who finishes!

My own tentative list

If I can’t easily get hold of a book, I will substitute the book for another.

  1. The Solitude of Prime Numbers by Paolo Giordano
  2. The Girls by Lori Lansens
  3. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (Read in January)
  4. Bellwether by Connie Willis
  5. The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley
  6. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  7. Solar by Ian McEwan
  8. Wild Child by T.C. Boyle
  9. The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa
  10. The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery (Read in January)
  11. The Pajama Girls of Lambert Square by Rosina Lippi
  12. Six Degrees by Mark Lynas
Actually, I want to read all 109 books on my wishlist, but if I read at least these, it’s a start. But you see? These are all perfectly nice books, and I still haven’t found a chance to buy or borrow, and read them. This challenge will help!

Linky list

Let’s work on that poor, much ignored wishlist and buy, borrow and be gifted those books that have been on your wishlist for a while!


  1. Leeswammes
  2. Breieninpeking (Knitting in Beijing)
  3. My readers block
  4. Bibliosue
  5. Read write leave
  6. Two weeks from everywhere
  7. Met mijn neus in een boek (With my Nose in a Book)
  8. Uniflame Creates
  9. Jessie’s Place
  10. ExUrbanis
  11. Mevrouw Kinderboek (Mrs. Children’s Book)
  12. Avid Series Reader
  13. A Hot Cup of Pleasure
  14. Just Me
  15. The Very Latest Thing
  16. Kinna Reads
  17. Reading Kelly
  18. Fingers & Prose
  19. Lembar Buku Putri (Princess Book Sheet)

Have fun with the challenge!

About Judith
I'm owner and editor at bookhelpline.com and bookhelpline.nl. We edit books and articles for independent writers.

101 Responses to Wishlist Challenge 2012 Sign Up

  1. breieninpeking says:

    Sounds like fun, I have lots of books I want to read, so making a list should be easy. Please count me in for this challenge! (My blog is in Dutch)

  2. This is a great idea! The opposite of TBR 🙂 Erm, I’m not yet sure whether I’ll join you, there’s so much I still have to read OFF the shelves x____x

    • Leeswammes says:

      Chinoiseries, I know what you mean. But I realised that was my problem too: the shelves never get empty and I therefore never get round to my wishlist. Reconsider and join in!

  3. Uniflame says:

    Hmm I am not sure if I have time for it. It does sound like a lovely challenge, but I don’t know yet if I want to tie myself down. I normally read what I can get my hands on and I regularly skim my wishlist to see if they have something at the local library already. I am afraid that if I join too many challenges, I won’t be able to read in the spur of the moment anymore. I noticed that I am a better bookblogger if I can read books that call out to me in between my review books 🙂 I will think about it some more 🙂

  4. Ally says:

    I have read 1,3,5 and 10, and they are fantastic books! I am still thinking of joining this challenge since I am sure I will buy those 12 books in the next year, but I am not sure they will be from this wishlist 🙂

    • Leeswammes says:

      From your own wishlist, Ally, not mine! You can read whatever is on your own wishlist.

      Good to hear that you enjoyed these books. Because I have such a pile of (great) books unread on my shelves I know I will never get round to reading these unless I do this challenge! 🙂

      • Ally says:

        🙂 I know they are from my wishlist, but I was thinking they might not be from the one I have at the moment 🙂

  5. This is a fun idea. I unfortunately do not let myself sign up for any challenges other than the lowest level of a global reading one. 🙂 I signed up for a bunch of challenges my first year and discovered that I don’t like reading from a list.

    I will cheer though! 🙂

    • Leeswammes says:

      Do cheer, Mari! I need challenges to keep myself organised. Do I really need to be organised about reading? Well, no. But I do like to try and reduce the wishlist (as well as the TBR) by at least a little bit, because there are some really good books on it that otherwise, I just don’t get round to read.

  6. Carol N Wong (@Carolee888) says:

    I might join you! I didn’t realize that you could put a wish list on Shelfari before! Will have to check that out. I must have around 300 on my wish list on Amazon! I see Molakai and Sweetness on the Bottom of Pie. Those are on my wish list too. Better not look at it anymore or my Wish List will grow!!

    Carol Wong

  7. Suzanne says:

    Oooh this sounds like a good challenge! I was looking at my to-read list on Goodreads the other day and it’s ….. well, out of hand! Look for my post soon …..

    The Housekeeper and the Professor is a wonderful book. I didn’t think I’d like it so I was pleasantly surprised. The Elegance of the Hedgehog is also very good.

  8. Roof Beam Reader says:

    I LOVE Beautiful Children – it was one of my favorite reads of the year a few years ago (2009, maybe?). It’s very Las Vegas.

  9. Sounds like fun. I’m terrible with challenges however. I have never completed a single one. I wouldn’t mind reading The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. I’m going to go search for the cover, it sounds good, so I’m wondering if the cover looks as appetizing.

  10. YAY! A reason to buy new books! I’m In!

    It’s going to be hard to pick twelve. So I pick them all now or as I go along?

  11. Rikki says:

    This sounds like a very nice challenge, Judith, but unfortunately counterproductive to my TBR challenge, :). I want to REDUCE my books I have instead of BUY MORE! So for this time I will give this one a miss.

    • Leeswammes says:

      Pity, Rikki!

      I also want to reduce my TBR but I would also like to read some books that I will never, ever read if I don’t allow myself wishlist challenge. It’s just to indulge a bit!

  12. Roxanne says:

    I am still working on another challenge,… for my Day Zero list, I wanted to read 101 books in 10001 days… I have to finish that before the end of May and so far I have read about 70 books…. Yikes, still a lot to read here! 😀

    Twelve books i do not own but I still want to read… well I could probably come up with a couple of those but I don’t think I will join this challenge now as I have way too many unread books on my shelves!

    • Leeswammes says:

      I like the idea of a Day Zero challenge, Roxanne, although it would be a challenge to think of enough items to enter it. I hope you’ll make your 101 books! Consider joining a read-a-thon or two. Next weekend is the Thankfully reading event (see on my sidebar) to read “an obscene amount” during Friday-Sunday (as much as you have time for).

  13. Leslie says:

    This sounds like a great challenge… but I can’t join in this coming year. I have way too many books already calling to me from my bookshelves. I am joining Adam’s TBR challenge to read 12 books that have been on my shelf for over a year, and I have quite a few to choose from. And if I stop going to library sales I may get a little bit caught up.

    • Leeswammes says:

      I did the catching up this year, Leslie. Erm… that was the plan at least. But I realised I just never get round to certain books that have been on my wishlist for so long now. Hence this challenge.

      I hope you do catch up but looking in my glass ball I see a future for you… with many books! 🙂

  14. This is SUCH a great idea! I love it! It’s easy to come up with far more than twelve. I think I’m in!

  15. Cindy says:

    I think I can do this!

  16. Pingback: Week on the web #9 : Rikki's Teleidoscope

  17. Bev says:

    Well…I really want to join and have made my sign-up post and everything….but I’m darned if I can figure out how to click into the linky above. There just doesn’t seem to be a way. Here’s my link: http://myreadersblock.blogspot.com/2011/11/wishlist-challenge-2012.html or, if you can let me know what I’m doing wrong, I’d be happy to link up.

    Can’t wait for 2012…I have so many good challenge irons in the fire!

  18. Rose says:

    Hey! This challenge is great, I was looking for something like this and loved the idea.
    I published my own post, I hope it’s okay I mixed some genres in the list:

  19. BookGoddess says:

    Nice idea… so it must be books that I don’t own. Gosh have already such a long list of books that I have and not read yet. But I like the idea, will try to find 12 books that I don’t own and put it on the list. If is okay I would like to join in and going to think of my wishlist 🙂

    • Leeswammes says:

      Bookgoddess. For a few years, I have done challenges where I had to read the books I own. Now I realise that I never have a chance to read the books on my wishlist. So, a new challenge was born!

      Yes, do join in, that would be very nice.

      • BookGoddess says:

        well that is also why I join on a different blog site (not wordpress) bookclub, so I might get to read books I never thought of put it on the list for way to long 😉 But I will join in only need now to think what to put on the list.

      • Leeswammes says:

        Start thinking, BookGoddess! Looking forward to seeing your list.

      • BookGoddess says:

        okay I got it and put it on my blog 🙂

  20. Melody says:

    This is exactly what I need! What a brilliant idea. I spend all of my time fretting about reading the books on my shelves (and keeping up with the books that make their way into my house somehow) that I’d decided not to join any challenges for 2012. Too much pressure! But this is perfect–I’ve really needed some mood-reading instead of constant structured-reading. I’ll post and link up soon.

  21. GREAT idea….be back with a linky when I start blogging again (I’m “unplugged” right now)

    this would work great with some of the library challenges out there 😉

  22. Neer says:


    What a lovely challenge. I am also intrigued by that honour and glory thing. 🙂 I’d love to join but a few questions first:

    Are ebooks allowed?
    Can one include a couple of books that are neither written in nor translated into English?
    Can I make a list of 15 books, so that if I don’t get a few, I can read the others for that total of 12?
    When is the last date for the sign-up?

    Awaiting your reply.

    • Leeswammes says:

      Neer, ebooks are certainly allowed and so are non-English books. You can make your list as long as you like. As long as your 12 books are all from that list, it’ll be fine.

      There’s no last sign-up date, but it makes sense to have your list ready before the end of the year so you can start straight away in the new year.

      Looking forward to your list, Neer.

  23. wcs53 says:

    Once I get my wishlist worked out I’ll be ready to go. I’m doing this as part of the Reading Challenge Addicts Challenge and my page for this, including this challenge, is here: http://wcs53.wordpress.com/reading-challenge-2012/

  24. Pingback: Wensenlijst uitdaging 2012 « Met mijn neus in een boek

  25. I love this and I will absolutely join in!
    I will blog about it after December 5th and will let you know when I did!

  26. Jessie says:

    This sounds like a great challenge. For reasons unknown to me, I often count my wishlist as part of my TBR list, either way, both list are ridiculously long. You can count me in: http://xjessiexbellex.blogspot.com/2011/11/wishlist-challenge.html

  27. MarthaE says:

    Great challenge – but I am planning to do that TBR bit – at LEAST one a month – since I have that huge stack already. I purposefully try to avoid making wish lists! 🙂

  28. Vasilly says:

    I think I’m in! I need to figure out which books I’m going to pick. I have over 1000 books on my tbr list! 😉

  29. Pingback: Tuesday Morning Book News « 1330v

  30. I am considering this… oh and To Kill A Mockingbird? SOOOOO good!!!

  31. Pingback: Wishlist-uitdaging 2012 | Mevrouw Kinderboek

  32. O, you already found my post about me joining this challenge.

    Some explanation for the readers who can’t read Dutch: my site is about children’s books, for parents, teachters, librarians etc. who want their children of 4-12 years old to read.

    And I am joining the wishlist challenge with an extra theme: to read the books I ‘should’ have read before… Most of the books are classics, some are hypes or classics-to-be. Some are originally Dutch or Flemish and some are translations into Dutch.

    I am going to enjoin it!

  33. I’m in! Good incentive to read books that I’ve left on my library hold list way too long.

  34. thecoolmom says:

    Count me in. I figured out today that I have 48 Amazon wishlists for books. I am obviously a sorter. LOL Here’s my post about it: http://theverylatestthing.blogspot.com/2012/01/2012-reading-challenges.html

    • Leeswammes says:

      Cool Mom, I think you’ll have no trouble finding books to read for this challenge. So many wishlists! Good luck with this and the other challenges.

  35. Pingback: Can Chameleons Crawl? On 2012 Reading Challenges « Kinna Reads

  36. I’d love to join this challenge, BUT …

    My goal this year is really to get the TBR bookshelf down. I’d like to be able to actually FIT the books I have there into their appointed slots, instead of double-shelving them. If I reach THIS goal, I will likely join in next year! 🙂 (any excuse to celebrate and bring even more books in will be welcome!) 🙂

  37. I just signed up! My wishlist is outrageously long so this is a perfect challenge.
    Here is my blog post announcing my sign up… http://reading-kelly.blogspot.com/2012/01/wishlist-challenge-2012.html

    I will post my books as I read them but you can see my wishlist on my blog page.

    Thanks for hosting!

  38. Bev Hankins says:

    One more to go…almost there!

    • Leeswammes says:

      Very good, Bev. I never made it far into my list, even with all my good intentions. Failing my own challenge? I think it happened last year too. 😦

  39. Oh, I have to admit… I loved this challenge when I joined. But apparantly it doesn’t work for me. So far, I have blogged about one (yes, only one!) of the books. 😦 I think this is because there was so much to do. I had a theme every month, and was busy with completely other books. Then I decided to let the month themes go. But then there were the childeren’s book prizes and the books my own childeren read…

    I intent to publish about some books of the wish list in a few weeks, so I think it will be a bit better by the end of the year. But.. Well, you know, maybe next year?

  40. Bev Hankins says:

    Sorry, mevrouw and Leeswammes, that it didn’t work out as well for you. It was a great idea and I enjoyed it.

  41. Pingback: The Man With a Cloak « elcidharth

  42. I’m trying to sign up for the 2013 Wish List Challenge. http://novelchallenges.blogspot.com/2012/12/wishlist-challenge-2013.html But Novel Challenges says they are an information only site and you have to sign up via the host’s page. Do you have a sign up page for this challenge? Thanks. Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  43. debbierodgers says:

    Here’s my Wrap-Up post:

I love comments! Let me know what you think.