Secret Santas: Books And Cards

Secret Santa

Image by dvs via Flickr

I know, Christmas is not quite around the corner, but with November now under way, it is already on some people’s minds. And if you want to send out a special gift to your fellow book bloggers, now is the time to sign up for a Secret Santa or two.

This is what I found around the blogs. Something for everyone!

Book Blogger Holiday Swap

Book Blogger Holiday SwapThe Book Blogger Holiday Swap is a Secret Santa event for book bloggers. Your gift should be a book, a journal or bookmark, a box of Christmas
cookies, a mixed CD, a crafty homemade gift, etc.

You can participate in the swap at two levels, and $20/7€/£6 is the minimum value expected for each package. To make everyone more comfortable, you may also send a gently used book if your “santee” is happy to receive one.

This seems like a great event. I know last year lots of my blogging friends did this and I felt left out. The only thing I’m not happy about is that the package should be sent using tracking Where I live it can double the postage costs. Who cares if the package was lost in England or Australia? (Let me know how you went about this if you participated before).

Sign up closes November 12th!

Persephone Secret Santa

Persephone Secret SantaPersephone Secret Santa is another Secret Santa, but it’s limited to Persephone books. These are books by women, about women and for women. They usually have a very simple cover, e.g., grey with very little writing, but the inside cover is a flowery pattern, a different one for each book.

They real collector’s items.

For this Secret Santa, you can sign up until TODAY, November 6th! So, check it out today and sign up if this is something you’d love to be part of.

My Bookworm Santa

My Bookworm Santa

My Bookworm Santa is another Secret Santa event. Here you have to send out a new book, from your assigned book blogger’s wish list.

You can have your book sent straight from an online book store or you can send it yourself and add some other fun stuff, but the book has to be completely new.

There is also an additional option to send a used book to someone else AND when you sign up with My Bookworm Santa you’re entered in a giveaway.

You can sign up until November 30st.

Book Bloggers Holiday Card Exchange

Book Bloggers Holiday Card ExchangeThis was an event I took part in last year. You send a card to a randomly assigned person (on the basis of favorite genres) and write something bookish as well as a holiday greeting.

For instance, you can suggest some great books (in a genre they enjoy), write a short story, etc. Also, you can add something bookish like bookmarks, and the total cost should be under $5.

You can enter to send (and receive) up to 5 cards. Beware: this event is international (no exceptions).

Sign-ups are open until November 30st.

Last year I very much enjoyed getting a card from US and one from Australia. One of the Santas I’m blogging friends with even now.

Mid-Winter’s Eve Giveaway Hop

Mid-winter's Eve Giveaway HopThis is a standard giveaway blog hop, but runs over the Christmas period, from December 21st to December 27th.

It is a bookish giveaway, in the sense that each blog has to giveaway items that a book lover would enjoy, e.g., a book, gift card, etc.

All participating blogs are linked to each other so that readers of one blog can also find every other blog that is offering a giveaway.

This particular giveaway blog hop seems especially interesting for peope who like YA, paranormal and romancy kinds of books, but is open to all.

Sign-ups are open until December 15th.


Are you aware of yet another comparable Christmas event? 

I’d love to know, so please leave a link in the comments! 

And are you planning to take part in any of these events?

About Judith
I'm owner and editor at and We edit books and articles for independent writers.

24 Responses to Secret Santas: Books And Cards

  1. Rikki says:

    Great idea to compile the events, Judith. I only looked at the first one yesterday and considered participating, but the tracking also made me think twice. But now I remembered that here we can send everything registered which adds about 2EUR instead of having to send a trackable package which would amount to a lot of money. So maybe I will sign up for this one after all.

    • Leeswammes says:

      Rikki, last year a lot of my blogging friends did this one and they seemed to have a lot of fun with it. Only 2EUR extra is not bad. I should look into it further but I think it’s not something we have here.

  2. Julie says:

    Thanks for posting about these- choices, choices!

    The Santa Bookworm closes 30 Nov.

  3. Uniflame says:

    The tracking put me off as well. I already don’t have much to spend as it is, but 7 euro I can deal with but the shipping costs… not so much!

    Maybe we Dutchies could make our own Santa event? It will be cheaper and we can still exchange gifts 🙂

  4. Nymeth says:

    I organised the Book Blogger Holiday Swap the first three years it happened, and the reason why tracking is now a requirement is because year after year we unfortunately had an increasing number of packages simply never arriving. There were even cases where people would admit to not having sent anything because they “forgot” or “got bored”, which is really not fair on their “santees”. Tracking gives the organisers a way of making sure everyone who signs up fulfills their Santa duties. It does increase the shipping cost, but I know that last year there was some flexibility for participants from countries where tracking was expensive, especially if they’re shipping internationally. For example, I sent something to India without tracking because it would triple the cost, and Nicole and the rest of the team understood.

    • Leeswammes says:

      Thanks for your comment, Nymeth.

      I’ll check before I sign up if there can be some leniency with the tracking. It could cost me twice the price of the actual package just for postage.

  5. Erika says:

    Thank you for posting these. I hadn’t heard of most of them. I love card exchanges so of course I signed up to that one right away 😀

  6. Suzanne says:

    Thanks for this post, Judith. I was keeping my eye out for the Secret Santa exchanges and I must have missed them.

  7. shelleyrae @ Book'd Out says:

    I signed up for the Book Bloggers Card Exchange again this year and was looking at the various options for the Secret Santa. Last year for the secret Santa I sent the book via bookdepository directly (my partner was in the UK and I’m in Australia) and sent a card and small flat gifts sent separately. Saves massively on postage and it has in built tracking.

    There are some other options I know of for Secret Santa, I’m signing up for
    The Broke and the Bookish

  8. Iris says:

    Last year they did not require tracking if your country does not offer it. At that time, the NL did not, or I wasn’t aware of it. I would not be able to afford participation if tracking is required. Postage is SO expensive as it is.

    • Leeswammes says:

      Well, indeed! There is a tracking option for packages here in the Netherlands, but even just within Europe, it adds a lot to the postage.

      I like Shelleyrae’s solution, though (see her comment).

  9. Ellie says:

    So many on the go! I’ve signed up for the Broke and the Bookish one…I think one is enough for me!

  10. Teddyree says:

    Thanks for all the links, I’m going to check out the card swap, being a card maker that one caught my eye straight away.
    I participated in a secret santa in 2009, sent my package and sadly never received mine and the organisers didn’t receive an apology or any correspondence from my ‘gifter’ either so unfortunately it does happen.
    Being in Australia the cost of international postage can be wicked, I paid $25 to send an $8 book to Finland last year lol but if you can send thru the book depository then that’s awesome.

    • Leeswammes says:

      Teddyree, as a card maker it’ll be fun if you participate in the card swap!

      It’s sad that you’re secret santa book never arrived. Yes, if the postage is that much higher than the book your sending, it’s a bit ridiculous. Sending through BD is a good solution.

  11. Great post Judith! I had no idea there are so many holiday exchanges to sign up for. I’m ahead of the holiday’s this year so I might actually be able to sign up for something!

  12. shelleyrae @ Book'd Out says:

    I am also ‘unofficially’ offering to send cards to whomever would like to receive one this holiday season no matter where in the world you live. You can sign up here if you are interested!

I love comments! Let me know what you think.