Easter Read-a-Thon

Easter Read-a-Thon

I’m joining Kate of Nose in a Book in her Easter Read-a-ThonFrom Friday morning until Monday evening we’ll be reading!

I need a goal. I can do a 24-hour read-a-thon and read many of those hours, and do nothing else. I cannot read 4 days straight, so I need to set a different challenge: I’ll be reading one book a day for four days. The last time I read a book a day I didn’t like it one bit. But that was a week, and it was exactly one book in each day. This time, I hope to average one book a day, so I don’t need to start and finish a book on each day. That’s a bit more relaxed!

This is what I’m planning to read:


Four books for four days. Three of them are Dutch, two of them you might recognise, the others you probably won’t have heard of (unless you’re Dutch, maybe) –

1. DONE – I’ve already started with Het Diner [The Dinner] by Herman Koch. I’ve read it before but now that it’s so popular in the English translation, I decided to re-read it. I’ve got a flip-back book version, a nice, handy format. It’s the first time I read such a book.

It’s about two brothers and their wives who meet up for a meal in a restaurant. The story is told by one of the men and I find his observations very funny.

2. DONE –  Starters by Lissa Price. My son read this YA book and loved it. I had seen it on some people’s blogs, too, so I now want to see for myself what it’s like.

It’s a dystopian story involving body banks and a cool teenage girl who is to carry out a dangerous assignment.

3. Dieptepunt [Low Point] by Maria Rijk. A Dutch book I came across in the library. I’ve never heard of this (Dutch) writer but the book looked interesting.

A thriller about a woman who is attacked by another (unknown) woman. This affects her life thoroughly.

4. Een stil vertrek [A Quiet Departure] by Annette Zeelenberg. A Dutch book I’ve had for ages, it’s on my to-read list for March anyway, so the read-a-thon is a good time to read it.

Kay leaves the Netherlands very suddenly for a job in the USA. She feels unsafe and buys herself a little pistol, that she uses to threaten a man with. He claims to have come to protect her. Sounds really weird! 🙂

What will you be reading this Easter?


About Judith
I'm owner and editor at bookhelpline.com and bookhelpline.nl. We edit books and articles for independent writers.

22 Responses to Easter Read-a-Thon

  1. Uniflame says:

    I read starters and I liked it. It was different of what I read so far in dystopian novels. All though it does remind me of the TV series Dollhouse.

  2. Enjoy your reading, Judith!

  3. Charlie says:

    I have to agree that a book per day would be difficult, but maybe just for an event you’ll be able to keep the motivation going. Interesting that you’re reading the Koch a second time and now in translation, it’d be great to hear how that works and the differences you note. the sort of thing you always wonder about with translations. All the best for your reading!

  4. therelentlessreader says:

    Have a great readathon Judith!

  5. Glad you’re joining in. Today has been quite stop start for me as we’ve had visitors but I’m not going to complain about seeing friends and family! Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  6. heavenali says:

    Enjoy! I will be reading a lot over the Easter Weekend too, although I had several errands today and need to run about a bit tomorrow too.

  7. Wow, doing well! I’m hoping to finish the book I’m reading (500 pages, 300 to go) and unfortunately do some study which I have been ignoring 😦

  8. Shan says:

    Hope you enjoy your weekend! I’ve been thinking that I need a read-a-thon, but unfortunately, the Easter weekend is way too busy for me to do one now. I am hoping to finish reading Robinson Crusoe by Monday though.

  9. Laurie C says:

    I’m in the middle of The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer and The Flame Alphabet by Ben Marcus, but I’m unfortunately in spring cleaning mode today for the house instead of for clearing out my TBR shelves. The first warmish Saturday of spring here!

    • Leeswammes says:

      Spring cleaning is a good thing too, Laurie. I’ve been doing a Dutch challenge in which we are supposed to clean one shelf or corner of a room per day. It works really well. It’s only 5 minutes per day but after a few weeks it really makes a difference.

  10. Lucy Crowe says:

    Hi there! I’m new to blogger and found your site while looking for some interesting blogs to follow. 🙂 I’m getting a book published this summer, so I’ve been trying to get an online presence to share my short stories and read posts by others.

    A book a day sounds really ambitious! I hope you enjoy it this time around. It sounds like a nice way to enjoy Easter weekend. I feel like all I do these days is read and write, but I enjoy it so much that it’s a good thing. 😉

    • Leeswammes says:

      Welcome on my blog, Lucy. I’ve managed a book a day (average) so far. It’s Sunday and I’ve almost finished my third book.

      As long as you enjoy the reading and writing, you’re lucky that you can spend so much time on it. Good luck with your book.

  11. Roxanne says:

    I wish I would have time to read that much this weekend, but I will be reading my books for school instead!

I love comments! Let me know what you think.